Katarzyna Potuszyńska

Katarzyna Potuszyńska

Team Leader

Why am I in DuoLife ?

  • Because I love to develop!
  • I create a better world with them!
  • It brings stability to 3 most important areas of my life, such as: HEALTH, DEVELOPMENT and FINANCE.

My personal message

Moją motywacją do bycia tutaj jest możliwość spełniania marzeń, a kiedyś usłyszałam, że ludzie zdrowi mają wiele marzeń, a ludzie chorzy tylko jedno - być zdrowym. Dlatego postawiłam na zdrowie. Dziś pomagam jednym i drugim aby nie byli zakładnikami swojego życia lecz jego świadomymi uczestnikami.

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My favorite products

Products in the new design will be available after the current version of the product is sold out. In the coming days, it is possible to package products in both versions, depending on the warehouse.

DuoLife Day & Night set is a specially developed formula that comes in two product bottles. The human body needs other ingredients during the day and others at night. The unique composition of natural ingredients supports the work of individual systems, depending on the daily cycle.

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DUOLIFE Vita C is a food supplement in liquid form, with active ingredients that, among other things, contribute to the maintenance of physical well-being and to the support of the body’s defence functionsa, support the correct functioning of the immune systemb, the proper production of collagenc and the protection of cells from oxidative stressd.

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The DuoLife Collagen Beauty Care body butter is an exceptional combination of three forms of hyaluronic acid, the effect of which has been confirmed by scientific research, that are closed in a revolutionary HyalTri 24/7 Nutri-Form™. Formula. The innovative form of cross-linked hyaluronic acid with strong water-absorbing properties can act as a local "skin filler", thus ensuring better resilience and elasticity of skin.

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